Re-enfranchise the Forgotten Voter

Newspaper Rainbow Series     6th July 2020     Save    

Context: There is a need to promote the idea of  ‘One Nation One Voter ID’ by ensuring ballot portability to re-enfranchise the forgotten migrant voters.

Migrant workers are facing difficulty in exercising voting rights:

  • Unable to exercise voting rights: Migrant workers become quasi-disenfranchised because they cannot afford to return home on election day. 
  • Economic Survey of 2017: Internal migrant workers constitute about 13.9 crores unable to vote in elections.
  • Callous attitude by State governments toward the plight of migrants since this group does not constitute their vote bank.
  • Lack of proof: Internal migrant workers do not enroll as voters in their place of employment since they find proof of residence hard to provide. 
  • Ignoring the concerns: Since they do not have a vote where they work, their concerns are ignored in the host State.
  • Many times they are targeted for allegedly taking jobs away from the local population.

Way Forward:

  • Focussed attention: The ECI needs to focus attention on a substantial 29.68 crore, who did not cast their vote most among them are migrant workers.
  • Aadhaar-linked voter-ID based solution:  To enable electors to cast votes digitally from anywhere in the country. 
  • There is a need to ensure that the linkage with Aadhaar does not result in the exclusion of eligible individuals.
  • Outreach measures: Using the network of District Collectorates to enable migrants to physically vote in their city of work based on the address on their existing voter IDs. 
  • Usage of technology: To record and transfer votes to their respective constituencies without compromising the credibility of the election process.
  • Civic right: Voting must be viewed not just as a civic duty but as a civic right. 
  • Political will: To usher in ‘One Nation One Voter ID’ to ensure native ballot portability by enacting the legislation.