Powering The Energy Sector

Newspaper Rainbow Series     18th October 2021     Save    

Context: In an energy-dependent country like India, the availability of energy supplies at affordable rates is pivotal for fulfilling developmental priorities.

Issues associated with power distribution sector

  • High losses: High aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses, leakages etc.
  • Governance issues: Expensive long-term power purchase agreements, high level of state interference, inefficient operations, heavy cross subsidies etc.
    • Weak State-level tariff policies: Anti-market populist pricing.
  • Infrastructure gap: Not upgraded according to modern demands.
  • Slow adoption of renewables: Relatively slow progress with an estimated installed capacity of 5-6 GW as on date.

    Way forward:

    • Economic reforms – Dismantling state monopoly: Through the process of de-licensing power distribution.
      • Open power purchasing from the open market should be implemented across States and barriers like cross subsidy surcharge, additional surcharge and electricity duty being applied by States should be reviewed.
      • Privatisation of discoms: Enable entry of private companies in distribution, that will result in increased competition.
      • Eg: In Delhi, privatisation of discoms has reduced AT&C losses significantly from 55% in 2002 to 9% in 2020.
      • Competition: Consumers shall choose discom, just as they choose telecom providers.
    • Governance reforms – Towards autonomy: Tariffs shall be revised without interference from States.
      • Electrical energy should be brought under GST, with a lower rate of GST, as this will make it possible for power generator/transmission/distribution utilities to get a refund of input credit, which in turn will reduce the cost of power.
      • Installation of smart meters and smart grids which will reduce AT&C losses and restore financial viability of the sector.
      • Streamlining legal complexities: By appointing a member with a legal background in every electricity regulatory commission and strengthening the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity.
      • Push for renewal energy: Encourage roof-top solar plants, enforce purchase obligations etc.