Multiple crises: The cost of wasted time

Newspaper Rainbow Series     15th June 2020     Save    

Context: The impact of COVID has exposed the multiple back-breaking crises which could have been resolved earlier, if procrastination and prevarication were avoided.   

Multiple crises during COVID:

  • Disproportionate effects on vulnerable: Both in the rich and the poor countries (black or brown) alike have suffered twice: lost lives and livelihoods. 
  • Climate Change: multiple impacts of climate change were soon through:
  • Rapidification of Cyclones: due to changes in temperature between land and sea .
        • Eastern side hit by a super cyclone AMPHAN
        • Western Side impacted by NISARGA
  • Locust Attack: 
  • Similar effects of unseasonal rain events have occurred in the past in 2018 which made deserts ideal breeding grounds of locusts.
  • Danger of turning into plague: is being considered by the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Reasons for Multiple Crisis:

  • Procrastination and Prevarication: in learning and in implementing those lessons to build infrastructures promotes more equitable societies where the poor are not doubly hit.
  • Time has been wasted in denial, and not functioning at the speed and scale that is needed.
  • Worsening dystopian relationship with nature

Way Forward: 

  • We are as strong as the weakest link: There is a need to solve the immediate survival problems faced by the poor and vulnerable sections throughout the world.
  • Do not try to cover up the problem:
  • There is a need for more information, to understand the multiple crises happening at the time.
  • This will also check the authoritarian and intolerant nature of the governments.