Maternal Health Matters

Newspaper Rainbow Series     18th June 2020     Save    

Context: The pandemic has ampli?ed many inequalities that shows up sharply the state’s abdication of responsibility towards the welfare of pregnant women.

Achievements in Maternal healthcare:

  • Providing cash incentives: to those that have institutional birth.
  • Elaborate tracking systems: have been instituted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to track every pregnant woman, infant, and child until they turn 5.
  • Lowering of Maternal Mortality rate (MMR): from 167 deaths per lakh births in 2011-13 to 122 per lakh (SRS 2017).

Impact of COVID:

  • Forgotten by state: No reference was made to provide emergency services for pregnant women in need.
      • During the 12 weeks, approximately 9,00,000 pregnant women needed critical care had to face enormous hurdles.
      • Added to this were the women who have had miscarriages or sought abortions: that would be another 45,000 women every single day.
  • Compounded confusions: due to the government’s guidelines:
      • Pregnant women had to be ‘recently’ tested and certi?ed COVID-19 negative to enter a ‘general hospital’ leading to delays.
  • Overburdened public health system:  Most secondary and tertiary hospitals were either designated as COVID facilities or those unequipped with PPEs.
  • Stigma and Paranoia: while admitting pregnant women in hospitals in light of pandemic spread results in to adverse fallout on pregnant women.
  • Amplified inequalities: Combining with neglect of state, it has put the entire responsibility of health protection on the individual citizen.

Way Forward:

  • Scrutinize role of the private sector: Around 80% of doctors and 64% beds (private sector) are either.
      • Closed or stepped back fearing infection or;
      • Are charging exorbitant prices.
Long term management strategy: to consider doing things differently for improving maternal wellbeing.