Jobs for migrants

Newspaper Rainbow Series     24th June 2020     Save    

Context: The recently launched Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan (GKRA) scheme by the government is welcomed for its various merits. However, certain downsides to it are required to be taken care of.

Merits of the scheme

  • Smart Repackaging of existing job-oriented schemes
      • It provides 125 days of employment to the migrant workers who have returned home during lockdown. 
      • Urgent livelihood support to returnees who lack earning opportunities at their native place.
  • Well-judged features: 
  • Specifically chosen fields for job creation: for creating durable and productive assets serving as catalysts for socio-economic upliftment of rural areas.
  • Skill mapping of workers: has either been completed or is underway.
  • Avoids additional burden: It leverages the schemes that have already been approved/budgeted for.
  • Massive focused approach: GKRA will cover 6.7 million workers (nearly two-third of the returnees) in 116 districts in 6 states – Bihar, UP, MP, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Odisha.
  • Noteworthy list of assets to be created: including building village roads and national highways, railway works, water conservation projects and community complexes.
  • It will also be used to expand information technology networks in rural areas where the use of internet exceeds that of urban centers.

Downsides of the scheme

  • Political bias : based on electoral considerations has been visible as West Bengal has been excluded and dominant focus is placed over Bihar.
  • Perils of centralization: It would be better to allow local authorities, and not the central ministries, to plan schemes.
    • Impact on overall labor dynamics:  it will impact the availability of skilled and semi-skilled workers for manufacturing and labour wages in urban and rural areas.