Horsemen of Apocalypse

Newspaper Rainbow Series     2nd July 2020     Save    

Context: The pandemic has increased the challenges to global order. It is time for India to develop a new framework by being a rule shaper.

Impact of Pandemic

  • Reduced carbon emission: Theat of climate change is constrained due to halt in economic activities.
  • In April, daily carbon emissions were down by 17% compared to last year.
  • The drop-in emissions are projected to be about 8% in 2020 will put us on track of achieving Paris agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5oC
  • Increased threat of cyber-attacks: Work from Home, video chat connectivity and online delivery of goods have transformed the economic environment. 
  • However, non-commensurate growth in security features is threatening the virtual space and a surge in cybercrime and cyber fraud is anticipated.
    • Accentuated geopolitical tensions: No recourse to those involved in the conflict reflects the poor state of global governance mechanisms.
      • Deteriorating US-China relationship due to blame game over virus outbreak.
      • The brazen behavior of China in matters relating to Hong Kong, Australia, South China Sea, and India.
    • Paucity of global trust
      • European Union (EU), touted as ‘ever closer union’, is moving towards nationalistic response to tackle pandemic rather than a collective one. 
        • Nordic region opened borders 
      • Nearly 90 governments have blocked the exports of medical supplies—Global Trade Alert study.
      • Impact on diversified supply chains: COVID crisis is driving the shift from efficiency to self-sufficiency.
        • French President pledged “full independence” in crucial medical supplies.
        • PM Modi has called for self-reliance and being vocal for local.
        • In US, support for “Buy American” benchmarks for government health spending has growing bipartisan support.
    • Fall of multilateral bodies: The UN system has been missing action and is under deep trouble.

    Way Forward: From ‘rule takers’ to ‘rule shaper’

    • It is time for India to conceptualize a new world order and concretize its role in partnerships to formulate the blueprints of change.