Green-lighting Ecological Decimation Amidst a Pandemic

Newspaper Rainbow Series     9th July 2020     Save    

Context: Projects in critical forest habitats that are being cleared by the Environment Ministry will create more vulnerabilities in the future.

Projects cleared during this lockdown phase:

  • Etalin Hydropower Project in the biodiversity-rich Dibang valley of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Coal mine in Assam’s Dehing Patkai Elephant Reserve.
  • Diamond mining in the Panna forested belt. 
  • Coal mine to be operated by Adani Enterprises in Odisha’s Talabira forests. 
  • Limestone mine in the Gir National Park. 
  • Geo-technical investigation in the Sharavathi Lion-Tailed Macaque Sanctuary in Karnataka. 

Issues with Draft Environment Impact Assessment:

  • No meaningful public consultation: can take place during the pandemic and repeated lockdowns.
  • As per the draft, starting a project before obtaining environmental approvals will no longer be a violation.
  • Ignoring the suggestions: Public hearings are riddled with problems and their content routinely ignored while awarding clearances.
  • Wider exemptions: Notification proposes to exempt a wider range of projects from hearings, including projects designated as ‘strategic’. 
  • No information in the public domain: The draft allows for a class of projects to secure clearance without putting out any information in the public domain.
  • Lack of emphasis on improving monitoring, and compliance with clearance conditions and safeguards. 

Conclusion: Our vulnerabilities are in the heart of development models that sacrifice environmental resilience for limitless economic growth which needs to be addressed for a sustainable and better future.