Gaps in governance

Newspaper Rainbow Series     16th June 2020     Save    

Context: In dealing with the challenge of the pandemic and its consequences, states across the world have assumed more powers and discretionary authority over citizens. 

Addressing the weaknesses in the governance system: 

  • Interventionist state to caring State: A State must be a caring State, with the responsibility to provide all its citizens with health, education, safety, and security without discrimination. 
  • Avoid bypassing the institutions of governance and processes established by law must be resisted in India. For example:
  • The Crisis Management Group (CMG) is headed by the Cabinet Secretary and it is responsible for handling the crisis. But it is sidelined with a top-down style of functioning.
  • Reforming the existing institutions: rather than set up new ones.
  • Time taken to develop new norms, systems, and recruit and train managerial and technical personnel can be utilized somewhere else productively.
  • Existing institutions have the advantage of institutional memory and experience which could be reoriented towards new tasks. 
  • Capacity to enforce regulations: The State needs to build capacity to enforce the regulation, to uphold its credibility. 
  • Strong leadership with credibility: Leadership needs to work through a talented and committed team whose members are ready to take responsibility. 

Conclusion: The temptation to bypass institutions and violate established procedures must be resisted and resorted to only in extreme cases, with a transparent explanation.