Enabling People to Govern Themselves

Newspaper Rainbow Series     14th July 2020     Save    

Context: With the pandemic showing up flaws in governance institutions, there is a need to provide local systems solutions to face new challenges.

Issues with present governance systems:

  • Flaws in the design of Institutions: There is a mismatch in the design of governance institutions at the global level with the challenges they are required to manage.
  • Interconnectedness of issues: Environmental, economic, and social issues cannot be separated from each other and solved separately.
  • A solution to one can create more problems for others, For E.g. simultaneous management of health crisis and economic distress was hard to conduct.
  • Complex tasks at the district level: The District Collector’s task becoming complicated due to increased numbers of government schemes. 
  • The citizens do not know how many schemes there were entitled to. 

Way Forward:

  • Local participation: Local people must be active contributors to knowledge and active participants in the creation of the solutions. 
  • Local systems solutions are the best to solve local problems.
  • Knowledge of different experts also come together to address the realities on the ground.
  • Stronger local governance: States and countries in which local governance was stronger have done much better than others.
  • States such as Kerala addressed pandemic better than others. 
  • Countries such as Vietnam and Taiwan, have done better than others. 
    • Role of Government: Enable people to govern themselves to realize the vision of the government of the people, for the people, by the people.