Defunct Information Technology

Newspaper Rainbow Series     18th October 2021     Save    

Context: Issues associated with the RTI need to be addressed.

Issues under Right to Information Act (RTI)

  • Improper maintenance and divulgence in data secrecy: As data secrecy is ingrained in the bureaucratic system and government.
  • Lacks of accountability: Information can be a powerful tool to ensure the government responsibility in case of infringement on civil liberties of people. But the pandemic experience shows the inefficacy of government in providing information.
  • Quality of information disclosed and data maintained has deteriorated: Mainly due to lack of consensus.
  • Governance gap: The information commissions, the transparency watchdogs are struggling with growing case pendency, staff crunch, poor infrastructure and unfilled vacancies.
  • Growing reluctance to direct government authorities to disclose information or penalise officers wrongfully denying information.
  • Defunct Information Commission: As per the report of Satark Nagrik Sangathan, the information commissions have become defunct in three states: Jharkhand, Tripura and Meghalaya.

Way Forward

  • Revamp mechanism under RTI: Put all relevant information in public domain. Divulging information needs to be a norm, not an exception.
  • Demand accountability: Information means transparency means accountability. It is time citizens demanded accountability and the government delivered it.