Deepening India­S. Korea Ties

Newspaper Rainbow Series     24th July 2020     Save    

Context: As the balance of power in the region continues to shift fast, India and South Korea may need to overcome cultural biases and move closer to each other.

 Issues in India - S.Korea Relationship: 

Limited Economic Partnership: 
  • Economic partnership stuck at $22 billion annually.
  • Defence partnership has been reduced from all-round cooperation to mere purchase of the weapon system.
Cultural Prejudices: stands in the way of a relationship based on openness, curiosity, and warmth.
  • E.g:  there may be a widespread perception among South Koreans of India as a third world country, rife with poverty and hunger.
  • Indians are unable to distinguish between the cultural and social characteristics of South Koreans and people of other East Asian nations.
Racial Prejudices: There have been some instances of racial prejudice or discrimination, including toward Indians in work settings in South Korea.
Information Gap: stands in the way of integration of Indian diaspora with the local S.Korean population.
  • Indians have failed to recognize the role of S.Korea in building an Asian view of the world.
  • Defining traits of Japan’s and China’s culture are better identified than Korean culture.
Excessive Focus on diplomatic initiatives: Diplomatic initiatives are important but not the only component of a potentially rich bilateral space.

Way Forward

Strengthen Mutual Cultural Respect: mutual respect regarding cultural values is the key to building a robust partnership between the two countries.
Develop People to people contacts: 
  • For E.g. Indian Cultural Centre in Seoul attempts to broaden base an appreciation of Indian culture by teaching south Indian dances to elementary school students in South Korea.
  • Focus of wider audience beyond the urban, English speaking elite of Seoul.

Conclusions: A regional hegemon is already pushing hard into the ambit of the Indian Ocean. The sooner these bonds are renewed the better it would be for all Asian democracies.