China’s covert strategy that the world ought to guard against

Newspaper Rainbow Series     29th June 2020     Save    

Context: Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been covertly pushing its agenda in countries across the world through these nations’ own politicians, businessmen, academics and media.  

Understanding China’s Modus operand to achieve Hegemony: 

  • The CCP pushes its agenda through three arms—
      • the Propaganda Department, 
      • the International Liaison Department, 
      • United Front Work Department.  
  • Categorising Elite individuals and organisations: as friends or foes based on past actions and psychological tests.
  • Hired Western leaders as “advisers" or “consultants”: There by bending democracies to its will by eroding resistance, winning supporters. 
  • For E.g. - Henry Paulson (treasury secretary under George W. Bush) has lobbied hard against Trump’s trade war with China. 
  • David Cameron, former UK prime minister, heads the UK-China Fund, which seeks to invest $1 billion in Belt and Road Initiative projects.  
  • During Obama’s term, US watched silently while China grabbed and built islands and constructed military bases in South China Sea.
  • Financial Hijacking: The Wall Street firms have deep connection with china.
  • For E.g. - The investment bank Goldman Sachs (GS) was one of the early movers when China began opening up. 

Conclusion: Chinese actions both overt and covert reminds us about Lenin quote “getting nations to sell the rope with which they will be hanged”