A Safety Net, Post Covid

Newspaper Rainbow Series     3rd July 2020     Save    

Context: In the post-COVID-19 situation, there is a need to institute schemes to provide a minimum income for the poor and vulnerable groups. 

Issues with Non-Universal Targeted Programs: Schemes like the Congress proposed – Nyuntam Aay Yojana (NYAY), are marred with the problem of identification and give rise to exclusion and inclusion errors.

Suggested Proposals: The following proposals meet the objective of providing minimum basic income to vulnerable sections in both urban and rural areas.

  • Cash Transfers: to all women above the age of 20 years.
      • Making available a minimum of Rs 4,000 annually to all of them would cost around 0.84% of GDP.
  • Expanding Employment: 
      • Increasing the number of days in MGNREGA: 
        • Currently, MGNREGA is availed of only for 50 days of employment, although the Act guarantees 100 days of employment.
        • Increasing the days to 150 in rural areas is suggested.
      • A National Employment Guarantee Scheme for urban areas:
  • Employment to be provided for both unskilled and semi-skilled workers.
        • Together, the total cost would be around 1.58% of GDP.
    • Financial Feasibility: A mix of rationalization and consolidation of revenues can help sustain the above schemes.
    • Rationalization:
          • Number of days availed by the employment guarantee programmes could be lower as it is demand based programme.
          • Well off women may voluntarily drop out of the cash transfer scheme or alternatively declaration of monthly income can be sought for eligibility to benefits under it.
    • Consolidation:
          • Phasing out of some expenditure like tax exemptions and non-merit subsidies and raising additional revenue.

    Conclusion: This will help the poor, informal workers, including migrants, significantly reducing poverty.