WORLD DRUG REPORT 2024 (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Health)

News-CRUX-10     29th June 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: According to a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) report, global drug use saw a concerning rise in 2022, with 292 million users worldwide, marking a 20% increase over the past decade.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

  • About: It stands as a prominent global figure in combatting illegal drugs and international crime, while also overseeing the execution of the primary United Nations initiative on counterterrorism.
  • Establishment: In 1997.
  • Headquarters: Vienna, Austria.
  • Focus: Helping to make the world safer from drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism.

oThe UNODC's efforts are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially Goal 16, which aims to advance peace, justice, and robust institutions.

  • Functions:

oDrug Control: The UNODC endeavors to combat illicit drug production, trafficking, and abuse. It fosters global collaboration, drug demand reduction, and alternative development initiatives.

oCrime Prevention: The organization aids member states in preventing and tackling diverse criminal activities such as organized crime, human trafficking, smuggling, and cybercrime.

oCorruption: The UNODC aids nations in combating corruption, money laundering, and financial offenses detrimental to economic progress and stability.

oTerrorism Prevention: The agency contributes significantly to aiding member states in preventing and countering terrorism, including addressing terrorism financing.

Key findings of World Drug Report 2024

  • Cannabis is the most widely used drug worldwide, followed by opioids, amphetamines, cocaine, and ecstasy.
  • Women with drug use disorders face significant barriers, with only one in 18 receiving treatment compared to one in seven men.
  • Global opium production decreased by 74% in 2023, driven by a 95% drop in Afghanistan and a 36% increase in Myanmar.
  • Afghanistan and Myanmar remain key centers in the global narcotics trade.
  • The Golden Crescent (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran) and Southeast Asia’s Golden Triangle are notorious drug smuggling hubs in Asia.
QEP Pocket Notes