UNICEF (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – International Organization)

News-CRUX-10     25th January 2024        

Context: The Urban Youth Unit at NIUA and YuWaah - UNICEF have come into a partnership to solidify their commitment to empowering young people for urban governance.

United Nations Children's Fund

  • About: It is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.
  • Foundation: 1946
  • Origin: It initially addressed emergency needs in post-war Europe and China, expanding its mandate in 1950 to address long-term needs worldwide.
  • Formerly known as: The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
  • Holistic Child Development: UNICEF not only provides humanitarian aid to save children's lives but also works towards defending their rights and ensuring their holistic development from childhood through adolescence.
  • Objective: To remove discrimination and provide every child with an equal opportunity to grow to their full potential, addressing global issues such as lack of food, education, health, and sanitation.
  • Contributions: UNICEF relies entirely on voluntary contributions from governments and private donors to fund its initiatives and activities.
  • Governance: Governed by a 36-member executive board, UNICEF establishes policies, approves programs, and oversees administrative and financial plans. Board members are elected by the United Nations Economic and Social Council.


  • It collaborates with governments and nonprofits to develop sustainable solutions to global issues affecting children.
  • UNICEF actively works to create a protective environment for children by involving all stakeholders in its initiatives.
  • UNICEF advocates for measures to provide proper care to children at a young age, ensuring they have a strong foundation in life.
  • UNICEF promotes girls' education, recognizing its role in shaping better thinkers, citizens, and parents for future generations.
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