Ultra-Processed Food (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Health)

Context: There has been a rapid rise in the sales of ultra-processed foods in India in the last 10 years, shows a report released by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in collaboration with the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER).

  • By 2032, despite a decline in market share, chocolate and sugar confectioneries will continue to dominate ultra-processed food followed by salty snacks and ready-made and convenience food, according to the report.

About World Health Organization (WHO)

  • WHO takes the lead in worldwide health concerns, influencing the health research direction, establishing norms and benchmarks, formulating policy recommendations based on evidence, offering technical assistance to nations, and tracking and evaluating health trends.
  • Agency: United Nations Specialized Agency for Health 
  • Founded: in 1948.
  • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland
  • Objective: To serve as the overseeing and harmonizing entity for global health initiatives.

Ultra-processed foods are made mostly from substances extracted from foods, such as fats, starches, added sugars, and hydrogenated fats. Ex: Ice cream, biscuits, carbonated drinks etc.