News-CRUX-10     19th July 2023        
Context: The NITI Aayog, released, under the NITI Working Paper series, the Techno-Commercial Readiness and Market Maturity Matrix (TCRM Matrix) framework, a pioneering assessment tool designed to revolutionize technology evaluation, foster innovation, and fuel entrepreneurship in India.

Key Points

  • The Working Paper casts light on the historical evolution of technology assessment frameworks, including the Technology Readiness Level (TRL), Commercialization Readiness Level (CRL), and Market Readiness Level (MRL) scales.
  • By building upon these frameworks’ core principles, the TCRM Matrix framework presents an integrated assessment model that offers in-depth insights and actionable intelligence to stakeholders at every stage of the technology development cycle.
  • The working paper provides clear guidelines for integrating the TCRM Matrix framework within the broader innovation ecosystem.
  • By doing so, policymakers, strategists, academicians, and investors can unlock its full potential and drive meaningful change.
  • The adoption of the TCRM Matrix framework necessitates a comprehensive analysis and contextualization within the unique national and sectoral innovation landscapes.