SUGARCANE CULTIVATION IN INDIA (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Agriculture)

News-CRUX-10     8th December 2023        
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Context: Recently, the Centre prohibited the utilization of 'sugarcane juice and sugar syrup' for ethanol production in the 2023-24 supply year, which commenced this month. This measure aims to ensure sufficient sugar availability for domestic consumption and to regulate prices.

  • The government has allowed use of 'B-molasses' for ethanol production in 2023-24, a move which sugar industry bodies welcomed

Sugarcane Cultivation in India

  • Two Distinct Agro-Climatic Regions: Tropical and Subtropical
  • Tropical region Shared about 45% and 55% of the total sugarcane area and production in the country
  • Five Agro-Climatic Zones: (I)North Western Zone (ii) North Central Zone (iii) North Eastern Zone (iv) Peninsular Zone (v) Coastal Zone.
  • Suitable Conditions for Production:

oTemperature: Between 21-27°C with hot and humid climate.

oRainfall: Around 75-100 cm.

oSoil Type: Deep rich loamy soil.

  • Sugarcane in Major Growing States: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana
  • Status of Sugarcane Sector in India
  • The Largest Sugarcane Producer: India has emerged as the largest producer of sugarcane in the world, surpassing Brazil during the 2021-22.
  • The Second Largest Sugar Exporter: India has consistently been the second-largest exporter of sugar, following Brazil.


  • About: It is a viscous substance, principally obtained from the refining of sugarcane or sugar beet juice into sugar.
  • It has approximately the same DM content as A molasses but contains less sugar and does not spontaneously crystallize.

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