SMITHOPHIS MIZORAMENSIS (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Env and Eco)

Context: Scientists from Mizoram University and the Max Planck Institute have discovered a new snake species, Smithophis mizoramensis, in the northeastern Indian state of Mizoram.

Smithophis mizoramensis

  • About: Smithophis mizoramensis is a new snake species discovered in Mizoram.
  • Naming After Discovery: The species is named Smithophis mizoramensis after its place of discovery.
  • Mizo Name Given: The snake is also known by its Mizo name “Tuithiangrul,” meaning “Mizo Brook Snake.”
  • Habitat: Smithophis mizoramensis inhabits both lowland and highland areas of Mizoram, particularly near rivers and their surroundings.
  • Species Classification

oGlobal Count: The discovery raises the total number of Smithophis species worldwide to five.

oPrevious Records: Smithophis atemporalis and Smithophis bicolor are two other species from this genus previously recorded in Mizoram.

  • Research and Characteristics

oExtended Study: The new species has been under study for 15 years due to its resemblance to related species.

oGenetic Distinction: Genetic analysis shows a 10-14% DNA difference from its nearest relatives.

oUnique Features: The snake exhibits distinct colouration and scale patterns.