Context: With many states implementing strict anti-slaughter laws, Indian dairy farmers struggle to dispose of unproductive cattle. Compounding their woes, they now face a surplus of skimmed milk powder (SMP).
Skimmed Milk Powder
oIt is classified according to the heat treatment used in its manufacture (high heat, medium heat, and low heat).
oFlush Season Production: During the flush season, when milk production is high, dairies convert surplus milk into butter and ghee from cream (fat) and skimmed milk powder (SMP) from SNF.
oLean Season Usage: During the lean season, when milk production is low, SMP is recombined with water to meet liquid milk demand.
oRegional Flush Seasons: July to December in the South and Maharashtra (cow-dominant), and September to March in the North and Gujarat (buffalo-dominant).
oExcess Milk Procurement: Dairies face issues when they procure more milk than needed, creating excess SMP and butter/ghee without buyers.
oAnnual SMP Production: Indian dairies produce 5.5-6 lakh tonnes of SMP annually.
oSMP Utilization: About 4 lakh tonnes are used for recombining during the lean season; 1.5-2 lakh tonnes are used in food and industrial products.