SIPRI REPORT (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Sci and Tech/Defence)

News-CRUX-10     24th April 2024        
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Context: With military expenditure worth $83.6 billion in 2023, India was the fourth largest spender globally in 2023, the latest report by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) states.

Key findings of Report

  • Top Military Spenders in the World: The latest data showed that the United States, China, and Russia remained the top three military spenders globally.
  • India and Saudi Arabia Follow Closely: Following the top three, India and Saudi Arabia are among the top military spenders globally.
  • Indian Military Spending on the Rise: Indian spending was up by 4.2 per cent from 2022 and by 44 per cent from 2014.
  • Reasons Behind the Growth

o The growth in spending is because of rising personnel and operations costs, aligning with the government’s priority to strengthen the operational readiness of the armed forces amid ongoing tensions with China and Pakistan.

o 75 per cent of the capital outlays went towards equipment produced domestically, reflecting India’s goal of becoming self-reliant in arms development and production.

  • Major Military Spenders in 2023

o The five biggest spenders in 2023 the United States, China, Russia, India, and Saudi Arabia together accounted for 61 per cent of world military spending.

o Ukraine became the eighth-largest military spender in 2023, increasing its spending by 51 per cent.

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

  • About: It is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. 
  • Established in: 1966
  • Vision: SIPRI envisions a world where sources of insecurity are recognized, conflicts are preempted or resolved, and peace is enduring.
  • Provision of Data and Analysis: SIPRI provides data, analysis, and recommendations sourced from open channels, offering valuable insights into global security trends.
  • Target Audience: SIPRI's research serves policymakers, researchers, media, and the general public, contributing to informed decision-making and public discourse.
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