SHADOW CABINET (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Polity)

Context: Recently, Leader of the Opposition (LoP) in Odisha has formed a Shadow Cabinet in legislative assembly to track Government Works.

Shadow Cabinet

  • Origin: The Shadow Cabinet is a distinctive feature of the British Cabinet system.
  • Formation
  • Opposition's Role: It is created by the opposition party to balance the ruling cabinet and prepare its members for potential ministerial roles.
  • Shadowing Members: Almost every member of the ruling cabinet is 'shadowed' by a corresponding member in the opposition.
  • Role of Shadow Cabinet

o Alternate Cabinet: Functions as a potential alternative government if there is a change in administration.

o Alternative Prime Minister: Ivor Jennings described the Leader of the Opposition as the 'alternative Prime Minister' due to the significance of the Shadow Cabinet.

  • Countries: Exists in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
  • UK Structure: In Britain, the opposition is officially recognized and organized similarly to the government, running a 'Parallel' government with its Shadow Cabinet.
  • In India: Currently lacks an official Shadow Cabinet in Parliament, and there is no legal mandate for it.
  • Potential Amendments: The Parliament could amend its rules to formally recognize the Leader of the Opposition (LoP) and allow the appointment of a Shadow Cabinet.
  • State Experiments: Maharashtra, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, and Goa have previously experimented with Shadow Cabinets.
  • Benefits: By shadowing ministries, MLAs/MPs gain valuable knowledge and expertise, which enhances their participation in assembly debates.