SARAH (Syllabus GS Paper 3 – Sci & Tech)

Context: The World Health Organization (WHO) recently launched SARAH, short for Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health to provide basic health information through a human-like avatar.

SARAH (Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health)

  • About: It is an AI enabled bot to provide basic health information through a human-like avatar.

oIt is a virtual health worker that’s available to talk 24/7 in eight different languages to explain topics like mental health, tobacco use and healthy eating.

  • Launched by: WHO under it’s part of the campaign to find technology that can both educate people and fill staffing gaps with the world facing a health-care worker shortage.

oWHO says SARAH is meant to work in partnership with researchers and governments to provide accurate public health.


  • It provides responses that “may not always be accurate.
  • SARAH doesn’t have a diagnostic feature like WebMD or Google.
  • SARAH was trained on OpenAI’s ChatGPT 3.5, which used data through September 2021, so the bot doesn’t have up-to-date information on medical advisories or news events.