RASHTRIYA VIGYAN PURASKAR (Syllabus GS Paper 1 – Awards)

Context: The government has announced the first set of Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar, or national awards for scientists, ever since it controversially cut down the number of such awards in 2022.

Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar

  • About: Similar to the prestigious Padma awards, these awards will not include any cash component; instead, they will likely bestow only a certificate and medallion on the awardee.
  • It will comprise:

o Vigyan Ratna (VR): Up to 3 awards for lifetime achievements.

o Vigyan Shri (VS): Up to 25 awards for distinguished contributions.

o Vigyan Yuva: Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award: Up to 25 awards for young scientists.

o Vigyan Team (VT) Award: Up to 3 awards for outstanding team contributions.

  • Frequency of award: Annually.
  • Announcement: National Technology Day (11th May)
  • Categories covered: Total 13.
  • It will include: Physics, chemistry, biological sciences, mathematics and computer science, earth science, medicine, engineering science, agricultural science, environmental science, technology and innovation, atomic energy, space science and technology, and a 13th category, simply called ‘Others’.