QUANTUM COMPUTING (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – S&T)

News-CRUX-10     17th July 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: India launched the National Quantum Mission last year and became one of the few countries in the world to have a dedicated programme to harness the power of quantum technologies.

Quantum Computing:

  • It is an emerging field that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to build powerful tools to process information.
  • It has the potential to solve computational problems that are beyond the reach of classical computers.
  • Classical computers can only encode information in bits that take the value of 1 or 0. This restricts their ability.
  • Quantum computing, on the other hand, uses quantum bits or qubits that have special properties that help them solve complex problems much faster than classical bits.
  • One of these properties is superposition i.e instead of holding one binary value (0 or 1) like a classical bit, a qubit can hold a combination of 0 or 1, simultaneously.
  • Unlike a usual bit, they can also store much more information than just 1 or 0, because they can exist in any superposition of these value.


Quantum Supremacy

  • In 2019 Google announced that it had achieved "Quantum Supremacy", meaning that they had used a quantum computer to quickly solve a problem within 200 seconds that a conventional computer would take an impractically long time (10, 000 years) to solve.
  • Google’s quantum computer is called Sycamore.

Applications: Communication satellites, MRI scanners, Atomic clocks, Electron microscopes, Solar cells, LASERS etc.

Govt. initiatives: National mission on quantum technologies and applications, QuEST, QKD solution, QSim project, Quantum communication lab by C-DOT.

QEP Pocket Notes