PROJECT TIGER (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Env and Eco)

Context: A New Delhi-based rights group reported on International Tiger Day that Project Tiger will potentially displace at least 5.5 lakh Scheduled Tribes and other forest dwellers.

International Tiger Day

  • About: It is dedicated to global efforts in protecting tiger habitats and raising awareness for tiger conservation.
  • Origin: Established in 2010 during the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit, International Tiger Day was created to address the decline in tiger populations.

o A century ago, around 100,000 tigers roamed the wild, but today, there are only about 4,000 tigers remaining, highlighting the urgent need for conservation.

  • Purpose: The day aims to inspire collective action against threats like poaching, habitat loss, human-tiger conflict, and illegal wildlife trade, using educational programs, media campaigns, and conservation activities.
  • Significance: It emphasizes the critical need for conservation efforts to address threats such as habitat destruction and poaching.

Project Tiger

  • Ministry: It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Ministry of Environment.
  • Launched in: 1973 for in-situ conservation of wild tigers in designated tiger reserves.
  • The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has an overarching supervisory role, performing functions as provided under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
  • Expansion of Tiger Reserves: In 1973, there were only nine Reserves covering 9,115 sq. km.
  • Current Status: Currently, there are 55 Reserves in 18 States, occupying 78,135.956 sq. km. This constitutes 2.38% of India's total land area. (Latest Tiger Reserve - Dholpur – Karauli Tiger Reserve)