NCS PORTAL (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Economy)

Daily Highlights (2 min series) - English     23rd April 2024        

Context: The Centre plans to upgrade the nine-year-old National Career Service (NCS) portal to link millions of youths with prospective employers in a bid to prepare a future-ready workforce.

National Career Service (NCS) Portal

  • About: The Portal provides online career counselling and vocational guidance services to its registered users. This service aims to equip the jobseeker with necessary information that is required to make right career choices based on his/her qualification, skill set and interest. 
  • Features:

oOnline Job Matching: The NCS portal provides a nation-wide online platform for jobseekers and employers for job matching in a dynamic, efficient and responsive manner.

oRich Career Content: The NCS also makes available a rich repository of career content on over 3000 occupations across 53 sectors.

oAccessibility: The services under NCS are available online and can be accessed directly, through career centres, Common Service Centres, mobile devices, cyber cafes etc.

oOrganisation of Job Fairs: The NCS Portal also facilitates the organization of job fairs where both employers and job seekers can interact.

National Career Service (NCS)

  • About: It is a Five Year Mission Mode Project launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 20th July, 2015.
  • Implementing Authority: The project is being implemented by the Directorate General of Employment, Ministry of Labour & Employment.
  • One-Stop Solution: It is a one-stop solution that provides a wide array of employment and career related services to the citizens of India.