National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities (NMMA)

National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities (NMMA): It was established in 2007 by the Government of India to prepare two national registers on monuments and antiquities.

  • About NMMA: Launched by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of India.
  • Objective: A pan-India mission to prepare a National Register and establish state-level databases on built heritage, sites, and antiquities.
  • Key Goals:

o Documentation & Database Creation: Develop a database for planners, researchers, and heritage management.

o Uniform Documentation Format: Record Registered & Catalogued Antiquities from Central & State Governments, private museums, universities, and collections.

o Public Awareness & Sensitization: Promote awareness about preserving cultural and historical heritage.

o Training & Capacity Building: Extend training to State Departments, Local Bodies, NGOs, Universities, Museums, and local communities.

o Institutional Synergy: Facilitate collaboration between ASI, State Departments, institutions, and NGOs.

o Publication & Research: Encourage research and publication on heritage conservation.

  • Significance: Enhances public engagement and awareness for India’s cultural heritage protection.