Context: The government wants to increase the capital base of the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development, or NaBFID, to 1 trillion through support from banks.
National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID)
oStrengthening Bond Markets: Aims to bolster the development of bonds and derivatives markets in India.
oFinancial Objectives: Includes lending, investing, or attracting investments for infrastructure projects within or partially in India.
oDevelopmental Objectives: Focuses on developing markets for bonds, loans, and derivatives for infrastructure.
oLoan and Advance Extensions: Provides loans and advances for infrastructure projects.
oRefinancing Existing Loans: Takes over or refinances existing infrastructure loans.
oAttracting Investments: Seeks investments from both private and institutional investors.
oFacilitating Foreign Participation: Organizes and promotes foreign involvement in infrastructure projects.
oDispute Resolution: Assists in negotiations with government authorities to resolve disputes in infrastructure financing.