JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Polity)

Context: Juvenile Justice Board has agreed to Delhi Police’s request to try a 17-year-old boy, accused of murder.

Juvenile Justice Board (JJB)

  • About: Indian quasi-judicial bodies that decide whether juveniles accused of a crime should be tried as an adult.
  • Formed by: Juvenile Justice Boards were formed by State Governments.
  • Statutory Status: Set up under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015.
  • Members: Each Juvenile Justice Board consists of one first-class judicial magistrate and two social workers at least one of whom is a woman.
  • Tenure :Terms last two years for those of ages 35–65 .
  • Nodal ministry: Ministry of Women and Child Development .
  • Function:

oTo be informed of the details on the presence of children and their parents/guardians during the proceedings before the board.

oEnsure protection of children's rights during the course of legal proceedings.

oProvide a translator or interpreter if he/she is unable to understand the language used in legal proceedings.

oEnsure that proceedings are followed in accordance with section 14 of the Juvenile Justice Act.

oAny other functions assigned to the board as per the Juvenile Justice Act.