INDIA’S STANDARD ON MILLETS (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Economy)

Context: Recently, during its 46th session in Rome, Italy, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) praised India's standards on millets and accepted its proposal for the development of global standards for millets.

Key Points

  • Millet Standards Applauded Internationally: India establishes group standards for 15 millet types with 8 quality parameters.
  • 8 Parameters: Maximum limits for moisture content, uric acid content, extraneous matter, other edible grains, defects, weevilled grains and immature and shriveled grains
  • India's Global Initiative for Millet Standards: Focus on Finger millet, Barnyard millet, Kodo millet, Proso millet, and Little millet.
  • Expanding Codex Standards: Codex Alimentarius Commission currently covers Sorghum and Pearl Millet.
  • India's efforts contribute to the development of comprehensive millet standards globally.


  • About: Millets/Sree Anaa, popularly called “mota anaj” in Hindi, are a collective group of small seeded annual grasses that are grown as grain crops, primarily on marginal land in dry areas of temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions.
  • International Year of Millets: The United Nations General Assembly has declared the year 2023.
  • Production of Millets in India

oIndia is the largest producer of millets as of 2021, with total share of 41% followed by Niger (12%) and China (8%).

oIndia is poised to become the global hub for millets with a production of more than 170 lakh tn which makes for more than 80% of the millets produced in India.

oPer capita availability of millets in 2021 was appx 12.3 kg of millets. India’s average yield of millets (1239 kg/ha) is also higher than global average yield of 1229 kg/ha.

oRajasthan contributed to 36% of the total area for millet cultivation in India and production with 26%.