News-CRUX-10     1st March 2024        
output themes

Context: A newly published study in the journal Marine Mammal Science recently confirmed the sighting described as the sexual encounter.

Homosexuality in the Natural Kingdom

  • Occurrence: Homosexuality is not uncommon in the natural kingdom, as evidenced by its incidence in "over 1500 animal species."
  • Diverse Range of Species: Reports of homosexuality span from tiny insects and spiders to reptiles, birds, and mammals, demonstrating its presence across a diverse range of taxa.
  • Both Genders and Environments: Homosexuality has been observed in both males and females of various species, occurring in both captive and wild environments.

A Darwinian Paradox

  • Nature of Genetic Markers: A 2019 study in Nature identified five genetic markers significantly associated with same-sex behavior in humans, indicating a genetic influence on sexual orientation.
  • Evolutionary Theory: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution emphasizes reproduction as the ultimate goal of organisms. Same-sex behavior seemingly contradicts this principle, diverting resources away from reproduction.
  • Failure of Natural Selection: According to Darwin's theory, traits that do not contribute to reproductive success should be eliminated by natural selection. However, homosexuality persists, challenging traditional evolutionary explanations.

The ‘indiscriminate mating’ hypothesis

  • Ancestral mating behavior: The hypothesis suggests that ancestral animal species engaged in indiscriminate mating without regard to sex due to the simultaneous evolution of sexual behaviors and mate recognition traits.
  • Unlikelihood of concurrent trait evolution: The hypothesis posits that it's improbable for traits necessary for recognizing compatible mates to have evolved precisely at the same time as sexual behaviors, leading to indiscriminate mating.