GTC INDEX (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Social Issues – Education & Skill)

Context: The Global Talent Competitiveness Index has seen India fall sharply down from rank 83 ten years ago to rank 103 in its latest report out earlier this month.

Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI)

  • About: The report is a comprehensive annual benchmarking report that measures how countries and cities grow, attract and retain talent.

o It provides a unique resource for decision makers to understand the global talent competitiveness picture and develop strategies to boost their economies. 

  • Launched in:  2013.
  • Countries: 134 countries.
  • Published By: INSEAD
  • Two Sub-Indices:  Input and output. The input measures regulatory and business environments, as well as steps being taken to foster talent and retain it. The output side evaluates the quality of talent.

Highlights of GTCI 2023

  • Top three positions: Singapore, Switzerland, and the United States.
  • Among the BRICS countries: India is ranked 103, marking the lowest position within the group. China leads the BRICS nations at rank 40, followed by Russia at 52, South Africa at 68, and Brazil at 69.
  • Others: The report highlights positive advancements in the index among other emerging nations, specifically noting improvements in China, Indonesia, and Mexico.