9.Extra-Long Staple (ELS) Cotton: Union Finance Minister recentlyannounced a five-year Cotton Mission to improve productivity & sustainability of cotton farming to promote Extra-Long Staple (ELS) cotton varieties.
About: Cotton is classified based on fibre length: Short, Medium, Long, and Extra-Long Staple (ELS). Medium staple (Gossypiumhirsutum): Constitutes 96% of India’s cotton (fibre length: 25–28.6 mm). ELS cotton (Gossypiumbarbadense): Fibre length 30 mm & above (Known as Egyptian or Pima cotton). Main Producers: China, Egypt, Australia, Peru.
India’s ELS cotton cultivation: Rainfed parts of Atpadi taluka (Maharashtra) & Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu). India’s productivity is lower than Brazil & China.