EXERCISE AYUTTHAYA (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – IR)

News-CRUX-10     17th January 2024        
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Context: Recently, the maiden Bilateral Maritime Exercise -Ayutthaya’ between the Indian Navy (IN) and Royal Thai Navy (RTN) was conducted.

Exercise Ayutthaya

  • About: The India-Thailand Bilateral Exercise, 'Ex-Ayutthaya,' is named to signify invincibility, translating to 'The Invincible One' or 'Undefeatable.'
  • Historical and Cultural Symbolism: The exercise symbolizes the historic legacies, rich cultural ties, and shared historical narratives between the two nations, represented by the ancient cities of Ayodhya in India and Ayutthaya in Thailand.
  • Participation: Indigenously built Indian Naval ships Kulish and IN LCU 56 actively participated in the inaugural edition of the exercise.
  • Strengthening Operational Synergy: The institution of this Bilateral Exercise marks a significant step towards strengthening operational synergy between the Indian and Thai navies, progressively increasing the complexity of joint exercises.
  • Maiden Exercise Activities: During the maiden edition, participating units from both navies engaged in surface and anti-air exercises, encompassing activities such as weapon firing, seamanship evolutions, and tactical maneuvers.
  • India-Thailand Coordinated Patrol: The 36th edition of India-Thailand Coordinated Patrol (Indo-Thai CORPAT) was conducted concurrently with the maiden bilateral exercise.
  • Involvement of Maritime Patrol Aircraft: Maritime Patrol Aircraft from both navies actively participated in the Sea Phase of the exercise.
  • SAGAR Initiative Contribution: The participation aligns with the Government of India's vision of SAGAR (Security And Growth for All in the Region), emphasizing proactive engagement for enhancing regional maritime security.
  • Close and Friendly Relations: The Indian Navy and Royal Thai Navy have maintained a close and friendly relationship, which has strengthened over the years.
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