EGYPTIAN VULTURE (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Environment)

Context: Recently, an Egyptian Vulture was rescued from Indapur which had suffered injuries and dehydration and was admitted to the RESQ Wildlife Transit Treatment Centre (TTC) at Bavdha.

Egyptian Vulture

  • About: The Egyptian Vulture (Neophron Percnopterus) is a native bird of Europe, Central Asia, and Africa. In winter, it migrates to Asian countries, including India.
  • Residential Sub-Species: India hosts the residential sub-species of Egyptian vulture, Neophron Percnopterus Ginginianus, which remains in the country year-round.
  • Habitat and Behavior: These vultures prefer open, arid areas near human settlements, providing an abundance of food. 
  • They are monogamous and migrate together as a pair, constructing and maintaining large nests during the breeding season.
  • Threats: Poisoning from diclofenac, loss of natural habitats, food dearth and contamination, hunting and electrocution by power lines.
  • IUCN Status: Endangered

Vultures in India

  • India is home to 9 species of vultures.
  • Of these nine species, 4 are listed as Critically Endangered species of Vultures and one as endangered species in IUCN red list of endangered species.
  • Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary (India's only vulture sanctuary, in Karnataka).