DIGITAL INTELLIGENCE PLATFORM (Syllabus GS Paper 3 – Cyber Security)

News-CRUX-10     11th May 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: Recently, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) directed telecom operators to block over 28,000 mobile handsets nationwide for their connection to cybercrime, aligning with the Digital Intelligence Platform (DIP) released by Union Minister to combat telecom resource misuse in cybercrime and financial frauds.

Digital Intelligence Platform

  • About: The Department of Telecommunications has developed the Digital Intelligence Platform (DIP) as a secure and integrated platform.
  • Purpose and Functionality: DIP facilitates real-time intelligence sharing, information exchange, and coordination among various stakeholders including TSPs, LEAs, FIs, social media platforms, and identity document issuing authorities.

o The platform also contains information regarding the cases detected as misuse of telecom resources. It can only be accessed by authorised stakeholders and not by the public.

  • Inclusivity: Stakeholders involved in DIP encompass telecom service providers, law enforcement agencies, banks, financial institutions, social media platforms, and identity document issuing authorities.
  • Information Repository: The portal hosts information on cases identified as misuse of telecom resources, enhancing transparency and accountability.
  • Utility for Stakeholders: The shared information within DIP serves as a valuable resource aiding stakeholders in their respective domains, fostering collaboration and efficiency.


  • About: It is a new platform by the Department of Telecommunications, simplifies reporting on fraud calls and messages and facilitates real-time intelligence-sharing among stakeholders.
  • Fraudulent Communication: Indian citizens can report fraudulent communication, whether received through calls, SMS, or social media platforms like WhatsApp, using Chakshu. 

o The platform triggers re-verification, leading to disconnection if failed.

  • Tracking Misuse of Telecom Resources: The platform includes information on cases detected as the misuse of telecom resources, enhancing the ability to combat fraudulent activities.
QEP Pocket Notes