DIGI YATRA (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Gov Initiatives/Policies)

Context: Digi Yatra is poised to expand to 14 additional airports by the end of this month, with ongoing efforts to enhance user-friendliness through architectural modifications, as stated by a top executive. 

Digi Yatra

  • About: It is an industry-led initiative co-ordinated by the Ministry in line with the Prime Minister of India's Digital India's vision to transform the nation into a digitally empowered society.
  • Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Civil Aviation
  • 4 Key Pillars: Connected Passengers, Connected Airports, Connected Flying and Connected Systems
  • Joint Venture: AAI (26% share) and 5 Airports (BIAL, DIAL, GHIAL, MIAL and CIAL).
  • Objective:

oProvide a simple and easy experience to all air travelers.

oUtilize existing infrastructure efficiently through a "Digital Framework."

oResult in reduced operational costs.

oReplace current manual processes with digital ones for enhanced efficiency.

oImprove current system performance to elevate security standards.


  • Pax need not show boarding pass or ID at multiple check points.
  • Minimum human intervention. Less queuing time.
  • The security is enhanced as the system will map the passenger with the PNR. Only bona fide passenger will be allowed entry at every check point.
  • Airport operator will have real time information on Passenger load and resource planning becomes better.
  • Airlines will be benefitted by knowing the passenger position in the airport.