COMMITTEE OF PRIVILEGES (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 - Polity)

Context: Taking note of the “growing incidents” of members casting aspersions on the presiding officers of Rajya Sabha, the Committee of Privileges has said that henceforth any such action by members would “amount to breach of privilege and contempt of the House” and there would be “exemplary consequences”.

Committee of Privileges

  • This committee consists of 15 members in Lok Sabha ( 10 in case of Rajya Sabha) nominated by the Speaker (Chairman in case of Rajya Sabha).
  • In the Rajya Sabha, the deputy chairperson heads the committee of privileges.
  • The committee examines every question involving a breach of privilege of the House or of the members or of any Committee thereof referred to it by the House or by the Speaker/Chairman. 
  • It also determines with reference to the facts of each case whether a breach of privilege is involved and makes suitable recommendations in its report.
  • It also states the procedure to be followed by the House in giving effect to its recommendations.
  • When a question of privilege is referred to the Committee by the House, the report of the Committee is presented to the House by the Chairman or, in his absence, by any member of the Committee.
  • Where a question of privilege is referred to the Committee by the Speaker, the report of the Committee is presented to the Speaker who may pass final orders thereon or direct that it be laid on the Table of the House.
  • The Speaker/Chairman may refer to the Committee any petition regarding the disqualification of a member on the ground of defection for making a preliminary inquiry and submitting a report to him.
  • The procedure to be followed by the Committee in these cases is so far as may be the same as in applicable to questions of breach of privilege.