News-CRUX-10     23rd December 2023        
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Context: France’s President Emmanuel Macron will be India’s chief guest for its 2024 Republic Day celebrations.

How India Chooses its Republic Day Chief Guest?

  • Nodal Ministry: Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). After due consideration, the MEA seeks the approval of the PM and the President on the matter. 
  • Chief Guest Selection: The paramount factor revolves around the diplomatic relationship between India and the invited country. 

oBeing invited as the Chief Guest for the Republic Day parade signifies the pinnacle of friendship between the two nations.

  • Multifaceted Interests: The political, commercial, military, and economic interests of India play a pivotal role in the decision-making process. 

oThe Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) aims to leverage the occasion to bolster ties with the invited country across these vital domains.

  • Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Legacy: Historically, an additional influence on the choice of the Chief Guest is the association with the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which originated in the late 1950s and early 1960s. 

oThis international political movement, aimed at staying neutral in the Cold War conflicts, holds historical significance. 

  • First Chief Guest in 1950:  President Sukarno of Indonesia, exemplifies the early ties with NAM, being one of its founding members.

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