Context: On November 3, World Biosphere Reserve Day underscores the worldwide significance of UNESCO-designated reserves in the preservation of biodiversity and the alleviation of climate change.
Biosphere Reserve
About: BR is an international designation by UNESCO for representative parts of natural and cultural landscapes extending over a large area of terrestrial or coastal/marine ecosystems or a combination thereof.
In every biosphere reserve, there exists a core zone that is strictly protected, serving to conserve the flora, fauna, and the entire ecosystem, encompassing water, soil, air, and biota.
Core Areas: It is the most protected area of a biosphere reserve. It may contain endemic plants and animals.
Buffer Zone: The buffer zone surrounds the core zone, and its activities are managed in this area in ways that help in the protection of the core zone in its natural condition.
Transition Zone: It is the outermost part of the biosphere reserve. It is the zone of cooperation where human ventures and conservation are done in harmony.
World Biosphere Reserve Day: Celebrated on November 3 each year.
Aim: To raise awareness of the importance of biosphere reserves and to promote their conservation and sustainable use