BAMBOO COMPOSITE (Syllabus: GS - Paper 3 – Economy)

News-CRUX-10     19th January 2024        
output themes

Context: Recently, on the second day of the India International Science Festival (IISF 2023) in Faridabad, Haryana, the focus was on the Know-How Technology of "Bamboo Composites."

Bamboo Composite

  • About: Bamboo, a versatile and natural resource, is an industrial product developed through an eco-friendly process.
  • Declared as grass, bamboo proliferates rapidly with minimal regulations for its growth, cultivation, propagation, and cutting.
  • Advantages: Bamboo matures within 3-4 years, in contrast to teak wood's 30-40-year growth period.

oBamboo absorbs CO2 and releases a significant amount of oxygen, aiding in combating global warming.

oBamboo composites exhibit properties similar to teak wood but with enhanced durability, stability, strength, and resistance.

  • Manufacturing Technology by: CSIR-AMPRI's bamboo composite technology involves sequential steps, including cutting, stripping, knot removal, chemical treatment, fiber conversion, and compaction.
  • Industrial Applications: Industrial trials led to the development of panel boards, beams, pillars, doors, and more using bamboo composites.

o"Baithak," a demonstration structure at CSIR-AMPRI, showcases the versatility and strength of bamboo composites.

  • Expansion into Aerospace and Other Sectors:

oThe unique characteristics of bamboo composites make them suitable for aerospace applications.

oBamboo's rapid growth cycle presents opportunities for future wood-like products, fostering employment, especially in rural areas.
