Governance and Social Justice (Mains Booster Series)


A non-governmental organisation (NGO) is an organisation that is neither a part of a government nor a conventional for-profit business. Usually set up by ordinary citizens.
 NGO activities include, but are not limited to, environmental, social, advocacy, and human rights work.

1st August 2023


Meaning: A co-operative is an autonomous group of people who have come together voluntarily to achieve their common economic, social, and cultural needs and objectives through a democratically governed and collectively owned business.

1st August 2023

Governance and Good-Governance

Former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan said "good governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development". Therefore, knowing about the meaning of governance has become important in studying development.

1st August 2023

Sports Governance in India

Recent context: The Supreme Court (SC) is investigating women wrestlers' sexual harassment claims against Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) President, raising worries about Indian sports governance.

1st August 2023


E-Governance, according to the 2nd Administrative Reform Commission (ARC) Report, is primarily related to carrying out governance tasks and achieving governance outcomes through the use of what is today known as ICT (information and communication technology).

1st August 2023

Citizen Charter

Meaning: A voluntary written document known as the Citizen's Charter outlines the steps the service provider has made to concentrate on their commitment to meeting the requirements of the citizens/customers.

1st August 2023

Right to Information

Right to information is cornerstone of participatory democracy and is seen as a basic necessity of good governance. It not only promotes transparency and accountability but also empowers people by opening government’s records to public scrutiny.

1st August 2023

Social Audit

Social auditing is a process that allows for the evaluation and assessment of an organization's social performance and impact on various stakeholders. It is a way to measure, understand, and improve an organization’s social and ethical performance.

1st August 2023

Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2014

The issue of protection for whistleblowers got serious when National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) engineer Satyendra Dubey, a whistleblower, was murdered in November 2003 after he exposed corruption in the construction of highways. While he had requested the authorities that his identity be kept secret, his representation was forwarded to various concerned departments without doing so.

1st August 2023

Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act 2013

In the last four years, over 68% of corruption charges filed against public workers with the Lokpal of India have been disposed of with no action. According to evidence submitted by the Lokpal's office to a legislative inquiry, only three complaints were thoroughly investigated.

1st August 2023

Role of Civil Services in India

Policy Advice: They help the executive define policy areas. They propose ideas, assess choices, build a plan for present policies, and make required adjustments.

1st August 2023

Lateral Entry

Lateral entry in India involves hiring non-civil servants for high government positions. It adds topic expertise, varied perspectives, and specialized talents to the bureaucracy. 

1st August 2023


Throughout the history of women in India, there has been a continuous decline in their progress. In earlier times, women were not encouraged to pursue intellectual activities. 

1st August 2023


Children are the future of a country. Their healthy development is crucial for national progress. 
Poverty often forces children to work instead of attending school, hindering their physical, mental, and emotional growth.

1st August 2023

Schedule Caste

The term "Scheduled Caste" was coined by the Simon Commission and the Government of India Act in 1935.

1st August 2023

Schedule Tribe

The Indian Constitution recognizes tribal communities as 'Scheduled Tribes' under Schedule V and defined as tribes or tribal communities specified under Article 342 of the Constitution.

1st August 2023

Other Backward Classes (OBCs)

The Indian Constitution recognizes OBCs as socially and educationally backwards, with entitlements to reservations in employment and education. 

1st August 2023

Person with Disabilities

PWD are individuals with long-term impairments in physical, mental, sensory, and psychological conditions, which hinder their equal participation in society due to various barriers.

1st August 2023


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, make up the abbreviation LGBTQ. They are the individuals who do not identify with the cisgender heterosexual "ideals".

1st August 2023

Senior Citizens/Aged

A society's older population is a significant resource. Growing older is a natural process that comes with possibilities and difficulties. 

1st August 2023


A separate group with shared ethnic, cultural, or ethical features is referred to as a minority. However, it is assumed that such a group is inferior to the community at large. The defining quality of a minority group is subordinacy.

1st August 2023


India, with 1.3 billion people, grapples with economic challenges such as unemployment, inflation, poverty, and rising prices.

1st August 2023

Health Sector of India

COVID-19 exposed several weaknesses in India’s underfunded health system. Rural primary care is underfunded and has shortages of staff, equipment, drugs and infrastructure in many parts of the country. Urban primary healthcare has still not emerged as an active programme in many States. District and medical college hospitals suffer shortages of specialist doctors and support staff.

1st August 2023


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela.

The key to establishing peace, eliminating poverty, and promoting sustainable development is education, which transforms lives. All people have a right to an education throughout their lives, and that access must be matched by quality. 

1st August 2023

Poverty in India

India is the fastest growing large economy in the world today. Despite this, one in every five Indians is poor.

1st August 2023

Hunger in India

India has not been very successful in tackling the issue of hunger and that the rate of progress is very slow.

1st August 2023

Role of Social Capital Organization

Social capital is a valuable asset that facilitates effective collaboration and the achievement of common goals within a group or organization. It is a key element in the functioning of a society, corporation, or non-profit organization, as it fosters trust, shared identity, shared norms and values, and mutual relationships. These aspects collectively contribute to what is often referred to as a civil society, where people can work together harmoniously and productively.

31st July 2023

Public Policy in India

Post-independence India concentrated on policy research to evaluate public policy implementation. As demand for independent assessment increased, the Planning Commission (now NITI Aayog) conducted evaluation studies.

31st July 2023