Persons with Disability

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Data related to Persons with Disability

  • The estimation in Census 2011, that 2.21% of India’s population is disabled is a gross underestimation.
  • According to the World Health Organization, about 16% of the global population is disabled. If that figure is extrapolated to the Indian context, it would mean at least 192 million disabled people.

Issues faced by Persons with Disability

  • Social Isolation: Persons with disabilities may face social isolation due to societal stigma, physical barriers, and lack of social support.
  • Limited Political Participation: There are often barriers preventing people with disabilities from fully participating in political processes, such as inaccessible polling places or information.
  • Violence and Abuse: People with disabilities are at increased risk of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
  • Intersectional Discrimination: The challenges faced by people with disabilities can be compounded by other forms of discrimination, such as based on gender, caste, or economic status.
  • Lack of Representation: There is limited representation of people with disabilities in media, popular culture, and decision-making positions, leading to lack of visibility and advocacy.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure: From public transportation to residential facilities, the lack of disability-friendly infrastructure is a major challenge.
  • Mental Health: The mental health of persons with disabilities is often neglected, leading to additional health and social issues.
  • Rehabilitation Services: There's a significant gap in the availability and accessibility of quality rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities.
  • Health: The health sector, particularly in rural India, has not been proactive in addressing disabilities.
  • Education: The education system lacks inclusivity, posing a significant challenge in integrating children with mild to moderate disabilities into regular schools.
  • Employment: Disabled adults, despite their capability for productive work, face significantly lower employment rates compared to the general population.
  • Accessibility: Physical accessibility in buildings, transportation, and access to services remains a major challenge.

Steps taken for betterment of Person’s with Disability 

Scheme Name


Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/fitting of Aids and Appliances (ADIP) (1981)

Brings suitable, durable, scientifically-manufactured, modern aids and appliances within the reach of disabled individuals.

Deen Dayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (2003)

Provides financial assistance to NGOs for offering various services to persons with disabilities, such as vocational training centers, community-based rehabilitation, preschool and early intervention, special schools, etc.

National Fellowship for Students with Disabilities (RGMF) (2012)

Aims to increase opportunities for students with disabilities to pursue higher education by providing them with financial support.

Accessible India Campaign (2015)

A nationwide flagship campaign focused on achieving universal accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Scheme for Implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (SIPDA)

Provides grant-in-aid to State Governments, central and state government bodies, autonomous bodies, and universities for implementing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act.

Schemes of the National Trust

Covers the welfare of persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and multiple disabilities, providing various programs and support services.


 India faces challenges in ensuring the inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities. Efforts have been made through legislation and policies, but more work is needed to address economic dependence, limited access to education and employment, and social stigmas. Collaboration between government, organizations, and society is crucial for creating an inclusive environment.