1. Total 50 GS Sectional Tests with 50 Questions Each, 5 days a week GS sectional Tests followed by discussions to imbibe Science of solving MCQS.
2. 10 Weekly GS + CSAT Full Length Tests.
3. 8 GS + CSAT Exam Simulator Tests.
4. Practise MCQs Daily, Improve Your Score Daily.
5. The tests will be held in ONLINE and OFFLINE MODE.
6. In Offline Mode: Test starts at 7 am and will end by 8 am. The test must be written only during this timeframe.
7. All India Open Simulator Test.
8. Those who would like to take test after 8 am may do so only In online mode, however, Ranking will not be provided in such a case.
9. Each GS Sectional test is embedded with previous year questions of CSE (5 Qs), current affairs (10 Qs), along with questions specially designed by our team of Experts. You are expected to be well-versed with previous year questions.