UNSC impasse on Covid due to US-China row

The Tribune     14th May 2020     Save    
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Context: The recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) impasse over a draft resolution on the pandemic is indicative of a wider institutional breakdown of the most important global body due to rivalry between the US and China

UNSC’s Significance in present situation

  • The council’s action is important as the impact of the pandemic is not just in the context of public health but also economic, social, and political.
    • Setting a precedent: it passed Resolution  in 2014 in order to contain Ebola outbreak and bringing public health under its mandate of international peace and security (UN Charter).

Instances of Disagreement 

  • Draft resolution on the pandemic: US demands accountability reforms in WHO, while China asked for a resolution calling for WHO’s support.
  • Rohingya Crisis: China opposed against the binding resolution to alleged military action by Myanmar.
  • Assistance mission in Afghanistan: US- China opposed each other over inclusion of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) under the mandate of UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).


    • Increasing geopolitical rivalry between US and China is likely to cause multiple future gridlocks and prevent consensus building at multiple stages.