Context: Rising opportunities in healthcare could replicate the IT sector’s success.
Healthcare as a new IT Sector
Employment opportunity: Post COVIDproduction will be ramping up in critical areas like PCR testing kits, vaccines and drugs, ventilators, genome sequencing and personal protection equipment.
Multiple entry point levels for capital and labour: hospitals, pharmaceuticals, medical education, biomedical research and development, ancillary equipment manufacture, diagnostics, grassroots health workers, health insurance, telemedicine, and even medical tourism.
Niche area for public and private sector investors.
Capital intensive nature of business
Gestation period between investment and payback.
Gaps in Healthcare Infrastructure
Healthcare expenditure: Minimal (1% of GDP).
Insufficient healthcare infrastructure: 0.7 beds per 1,000 population against an average of 2.4
Healthcare professional deficit.
Way Forward
Strengthening rural healthcare apparatus: by hiring medical professionals to ensure employment opportunities.
Ramping up medical education: to lessen global medical profession deficit.
Reduced input costs in manufacturing: Atmanirbharta in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API).
Comprehensive health and industrial policies: like tax holidays.