Context: The Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission aims to build a robust public health infrastructure.
About Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission (ABHIM)
Launched with an outlay of Rs. 64,180 crores over a period of five years.
Critical care hospital blocks in 12 central institutions such as the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and in government medical colleges and district hospitals in 602 districts.
Establishintegrated district public health labs in 730 districts to provide comprehensive laboratory services.
An IT-enabled disease surveillance system: A network of surveillance labs will be developed at block, district, regional and national levels for detecting, investigating, preventing, and combating health emergencies and outbreaks.
20 metropolitan surveillance units.
Five regional National Centre for Disease Control branches.
Integrated health promotion platform in all the States
Expanding current health infrastructure: Services from existing urban primary health centres will be expanded to smaller units – Ayushman Bharat Urban Health and Wellness Centres and polyclinics or specialist clinics.
Significance of Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission (ABHIM)
Strengthening public health institutions and governance capacities for wide-ranging diagnostics and treatment, including critical care services.
Achieve Bio-security preparedness and pandemic research strengthening:
Develop a core capacity to deliver the ‘one health’ approach to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease outbreaks in humans and animals.
State-of-the-art national digital health ecosystem for IT-enabled healthcare service delivery, for managing the core digital health data and for ensuring national portability in the provision of health services through a secure system of electronic health records.
Expanding research on COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, including biomedical research to generate evidence to inform short-term and medium-term responses to such pandemics.