In defence of MPLADS

The Hindu     18th June 2020     Save    

Context: The suspension of the MPLADS for 2020­21 and 2021­22 in the wake of the pandemic has done away with the vital role of MPs.

Multiple functions of Parliament: The functions are non-exhaustive and incremental:

  • Political and financial control
  • Supervision of administration, elicitation, and dissemination of information
  • Grievance ventilation and National integration
  • Legislative and constituent functions and furnishing leadership to the nation

MP as a Multifunctional representative:

  • Supervision of administration and legislation.
  • Finding a solution to the grievance of the electorate.
  • Promote the developmental aspirations of the constituency.

Critique of suspension of MPLADS

  • Took way the vital leadership role of MPs: in the developmental process as an MP knows the grievances and welfare issues of his/her constituency better than anyone else.
  • False assumption of corruption: The implementation of projects in done under the vigilance of Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation which undergoes impartial auditing
        • 2nd installment of funds is released only when the 1st is utilized, leaving no space for corruption.
  • Resumption of pork-barrel policy
        • MPLADS has been an antidote to favoritism displayed by the Centre in disbursal of money to a particular constituency based on political consideration.
        • Suspension of MPLADS has snatched the opportunity for development from MPs in a system otherwise marred with skewed development and regional imbalances. 
  • Undermined aspirations of marginalized:
        • MPLADS corpus has been earmarked 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST; around Rs 20 lakh per annum has been allotted to the welfare of the differently abled person.
  • Undermines the prestige of MP vis a vis MLA:
      • Kerala has its own Legislative Assembly Constituency Asset Development Fund having an enhanced corpus of Rs 6 Crore per annum for undertaking capital works

Conclusion: A scheme that catered to the developmental aspirations of local people, ironed out the regional imbalances and made MPs engaged should be restored as early as possible.