Why so afraid of spending

Newspaper Rainbow Series     23rd May 2020     Save    

Context – Government should focus more on spending to create demand in the economy.

Reluctance to spend from Government side

  • Downgrade of rating: High fiscal deficit, high public debt and shrinking GDP may lead to sovereign downgrade of rating.
  • Above risks are less damaging than the damage done by prolonged recession.
  • Political interests: Tax relief to tiny group may trigger demand but politically risky.

Managing the Ratings

  • Sovereign rating: it measures the ability of sovereign to pay aback. 
  • Its downgrade will make foreign loan expensive and weaken the currency.
  • Country rating: It assesses a country’s long-term potential. 
  • It is important and can be preserved if government pursues reforms, generates demand, and supports states for far-reaching changes in agriculture.

Recent Measures and issues related to it

  • Government is pushing for cheaper loans, but Companies cannot borrow when there is no demand.
  • RBI has cut policy rates but did not let banks rejig loans without categorising them as Non-performing Assets. 
  • It will force companies to pay earlier loan from the newly reviewed loan and left very less to invest in business.
  • MSME: 3 lakh crore guarantee packages announced. But it is not clear on its calculations
  • Total SMA0 and SMA1 loan of MSME is estimated at 10 lakh crores. Covering 20% of guarantee will not exceed 2 lakh crores.

Way Forward

  • Missing piece of demand should come from higher government spending and easier regulation.
  • Money received by NBFC from special RBI backed fund should be rolled as soon as possible.
  • Government should be ready to spend sooner than later rather be remembered as a prisoner of rigid beliefs.